To West Kirby Sailing Club
We are very grateful to you for your continuing support to our charity. This year rain and wind almost stopped play! In the end the use of the “speed boats” was a very exciting and acceptable alternative to sail.
The children from Belarus always enjoy very much all the activities and excursions in the full programme we organise for them. For most of them their 4 weeks here in June offer the opportunity to experience things which are just not available to them in Belarus.
The children are drawn from the small town of Stolin and surrounding villages. A few of us visited Stolin last April. As well as seeing visiting children from previous years and meeting those who were to come this year, we had considerable contact with their families and foster parents. We can pass on to you the many expressions of gratitude we received for what we do for their children from a region in the front line as regards the lasting impact of Chernobyl radiation.
Thee group returned home safely on 29 June and no doubt had lots of exciting things to tell their families and friends.
We are attaching our end of visit report which includes some feedback we have received from Belarus since their return.
Soon we shall be beginning the preparations for the programme for next June’s group. We do hope that you will be able to participate in this once again. We shall be in touch in due course.
Many thanks and good wishes to all of you,
Yours sincerely
Lynne McGonigle and Garth Goddard